The 100 pieces of the Dash && Dash
about the series
Introducing a collection of 100 generative drawings, each inspired by the token’s address as its unique seed. Crafted using the creative tools of p5js, and a sprinkle of chance, these artworks boast a resolution of 1800×1800 pixels. They are exclusively available on the Solana Blockchain, courtesy of artist Christin Penz.
Exploring these pieces further, you’ll discover the SHA-256 fingerprint of each generative script within the transaction history of its respective token, adding a layer of transparency to the artistic process.
What sets this collection apart is its inherent reproducibility. Thanks to the core program, you can recreate the artwork associated with each token at any time.
Ready to dive in? Explore and acquire these unique Hash && Dash Mints by simply clicking on the thumbnail below to visit each artwork’s dedicated page.
Hier ist eine Sammlung von 100 generativen Zeichnungen, von denen jede von der Adresse des Tokens als einzigartigem Ausgangspunkt inspiriert wurde. Diese Kunstwerke wurden unter Verwendung der kreativen Werkzeuge von p5js und einer Prise Glück geschaffen und weisen eine Auflösung von 1800×1800 Pixeln auf. Sie sind exklusiv auf der Solana Blockchain erhältlich, mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Künstlerin Christin Penz.
Wenn Sie diese Werke genauer erkunden, werden Sie den SHA-256-Fingerabdruck jedes generativen Skripts in der Transaktionshistorie des jeweiligen Tokens entdecken, was dem künstlerischen Prozess eine zusätzliche Transparenzschicht verleiht.
Was diese Sammlung besonders auszeichnet, ist ihre inhärente Reproduzierbarkeit. Dank des Kernprogramms können Sie das Kunstwerk, das mit jedem Token verbunden ist, jederzeit erneut erstellen.
Bereit, einzutauchen? Entdecken Sie und erwerben Sie diese einzigartigen Hash && Dash Mints, indem Sie einfach auf das Miniaturbild unten klicken, um die dedizierte Seite jedes Kunstwerks zu besuchen.
frequently asked questions
Is each mint unique?
Yes, all pieces are totally unique. The visual is generated purely based on the token address itself. I did not sort or select anything after the fact. You can basically check on the Solana chain to confirm this.
How can I purchase one or more mints?
All mints are currently available on SolSea, just check the gallery below – a click will take you right to SolSea!
Can I somehow see and use the source code?
Yes! All code is available right on GitHub
How can I be sure that the mint I purchase is not a fake?
Check out the Solana explorer – all mints must be created by address c1ickMxT4qG8M5xbuo65494knuKkLh7uGG59VAYxW8w. If a mint is not created by this address, it is definitely a fake!
If I own a Hash && Dash NFT, what can I do with it?
That’s a tough one! With a purchase of a Hash && Dash NFT, full ownership rights are transferred with the NFT itself, including the right to store, sell and transfer the NFT.
However, you do not own full intellectual property rights of the work. E.g., I do claim the right to use the work itself for promotional usage. However, you can copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, you can remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
What about verification and other platforms?
The collection is already verified on Solsea and on DigitalEyes. Additional verification is requested for Solanart. I’ll update this section, once a platform is verified.